All of our properties located in Sapphire Valley also include access to the Sapphire Valley Resort. You will enjoy full use of all resort amenities during your stay. For info and a list of Amenities CLICK HERE.
Sapphire Valley Real Estate & Rentals is not affiliated in anyway with Sapphire Valley Resort. We do not have any control over their policies or procedures including Covid-19. You must contact them directly with any questions or concerns at 828-743-7663.
All short-term rental or lease cards will be white cards (no picture) and will be $2.00/day per person for a minimum of 3 days and maximum of 6 months.
Real estate agencies and/or individual owners wishing to rent out their homes must send a rental/lease agreement with all renters when they come to the Community Center for card pick-up.
Renters will need to present proof of ID to obtain these cards. The number of children under the age of fourteen (14) will be placed on the accompanied adults cards. For full Amenity Card Policy CLICK HERE.
For more information on the resort please visit: